LIZA FETISSOVA GALLERY, free spirit of the changing world, performs also as an agency.
In order to create new format events, to collaborate in more open way with artists, institutions, collectors, we develop different projects, where art, communication, education, intelligent marketing and sales meet up.
The main aspiration is to continue to identify quality art, fishing it out of the ocean of produced one, and to bring it to the public. Today, so much visual noise prevents you from SEEING and FEELING things. our proirity is to be eco responsable and to offer you a private and privileged moment with art.
Also, Liza Fetissova developped a special magic formula project: SECRET GARDEN. We implant art either in a setting of a private appartement, or in a business environement of an office (which is not new), for an evening, but the art selection is done in a particular way. It is a psychological portrait of the owner that we make, in its free interpretation, while choosing the pieces to present. So the guest gets to know the owner in a different, more profound way, as art opening more possibilities for imagination to act. In the case of a business office, we help to create an inprecedented occasion to tell the clients a private story that is connected either to the owner or to the nature of his business, to stage it, and thus to communicate a subtle and much more impressive and engaging message to the invited partners and clients.