Evgeny Mokhorev


Evgeny Mokhorev was born in 1967 in Saint Petersburg. In 1986, he started working as a profesional photographer for a state entreprise. He became member of the famous photographic club «Zérkalo» («Mirror») in 1988 and received the prize «Discovery of the Year» within the first Festival of Photography of Russia in 1993. Evgeny Mokhorev is a member of the Union of Artists and the Union of Photographers of Russia. Between 1988 and 1997, he participated in more then 40 exhibitions in Russia and abroad. He lives and works in Saint Petersburg, Russia


Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH, USA

The Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

The House of Photography Collection, Moscow, Russia

Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

Navigator Foundation, Boston, USA

"Fragile", the subtle film about Evgeny Mokhorev work process, was produced by Amadelio Film (Germany)